With so lots belongings going on in this international today, we cognizance that
the Bible has no interactions at all in contribution circumstance. This
article will explain, and let drop to you that the Bible The Word
Of The Living God, has more to do near our time, much than ever
before. In the original three chapters of Genesis, it shows how
Adam and Eve, were interpreted out of the Garden due to sin, and taken
away from the Holy presence of God. The angelic info is that the
book of Revelation has the keys that will unfasten Heavens gates,
and enter upon us Back into paradise, where we will be able to dwell
with Jesus the Son of God, and the King of Kings Forever, and
However, a lot of us today do not realize the publication of
Revelations, and we next retell it into our own
interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20 lucidly says that "Knowing this
first, that no anticipation of the bible is of any privy
So if it is not of quiet internal representation after how can I as an
individual read Bible Prophecy?
1. Before Opening The Bible always say a idiom of prayer, and ask
the Lord to kit out you beside wisdom, and sympathy.
In James 1:5 it says that "If any of you withdrawal wisdom, let him
ask of God, and it shall be fixed him." So how do you cognise that you
will be fixed the knowledge that you have prayed for? Numbers 23:19
says that "God is not a man, that he should lie."
2. Search the Scriptures. "Search the scriptures; for in them ye
think ye have ceaseless life: and they are they which declare of
me." John 5:39 In this religious text Jesus admonishes us to explore
the scriptures because the scriptures declare of Him Jesus
Christ, the Lamb of God. The one that has died for our sins.
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To make out the Prophecies of Revelation. We essential initial have
a milieu. To get your hands on that circumstance we essential have a
knowledge of the Old Testament. There are a lot of population that
says that the Old Testament has zip to do next to the New
Testament. If you do not realise the Old Testament afterwards you
will never construe the New. There are 404 verses found in
the transcript Of Revelation. Out of the 404 verses of the book, 278
verses think of to other than stories, and prophecies in the Old
Testament. The Old Testament is a pulpit for the original future
of Jesus. It sets the stage, and gives us examples of property
that would come to pass to Jesus once He comes, in the New Testament.
In the Old Testament we will analysis two stories, and past mention
to them in the New Testament, and how they associated to the Life
of Jesus.
First we will review the history of Joseph. Joseph was one of 12
brothers. (Gen. 37:9 & Gen. 42:13) Joseph had his garment taken
away from him, he was situated into a pit by his brothers where on earth he did
not have any food or liquid. Joseph was past sold for the asking price
of servile.(Gen. 37:28) After he was sold, his brothers took his
coat, and dipped it into blood.(Gen. 37:32) Even but Joseph
went through with this experience he lifeless came out vital. What Joseph,
and his brothers did not cognise was that God had a greater aim in
store for them. God ulterior used Joseph to prevention his household during the
time of lack in the estate of Egypt.
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Now we will study the Life of Jesus, in the New Testament, and
see how it relates to the parable of Joseph in the Old Testament.
Jesus had 12 disciples. (Matt. 11:1) Judas oversubscribed Jesus
for the price tag of a slave, or 30 pieces of silver. (Matt. 27:3)
Once Jesus was in the safekeeping of the Chief Priests and Pilate, He
was trounced and his outfits were taken away from him, which was
splattered beside his own humour. (Matt. 27:31) Before Jesus died
he prayed for those who crucified him, and aforementioned "Father Forgive
them for they no not what they have finished." (Luke 23:32)
God too had a idea for Jesus. He came to reclaim the world
From sin.
Here in these two stories you will see that the prediction was
predicted in the existence Of Joseph, and was fulfilled in the duration
Of Jesus Christ.
Some similarities that are found here are:
1. Both Joseph, and Jesus were sold as a bond.
2. Both, had their garments understood away from them.
3. Both forgave those who had sinned resistant them.
The Second Story that we will revision is of Abraham, and Isaac.
Isaac was a outstanding nipper because Abraham's spouse Sarah could not
have children, and in their old age God Blessed Abraham, and Sarah
with a son, Isaac. (Gen. 21:3) God, experimentation Abraham's faith, and
told him to human activity his one and only son on the alter, as a burnt
offering. (Gen. 22:2) Isaac, afterwards carried the wood on his backmost
for the change. (Gen. 22:6) When they reached the peak that
the Lord had specified, Abraham, later made an alter, and bound
Isaac to it. When he was all set to take life his son, he heard a
Angels voice from heaven spoken language "Abraham, Abraham Do not lay a
hand upon that lad, and do not do thing to him. (Gen.22: 9 -
12) With thanksgiving, and praise, Abraham, lifted his eyes,
and saw a ram caught in a flora by his horns. Abraham took
the ram, and offered it up as a burned subject matter instead of his
son. (Gen. 22:13)
Now we will comparison the narrative of Abraham, and Isaac to the Story
of Jesus, and God the Father. As Isaac had to convey the copse to
the alter, so did Jesus transport wood, He carried the Cross.
When Jesus died, he had a crown of thorns upon his come first. (Matt.
This romance of Abraham, and Isaac is one of Importance. God knew
that one day He too have to tender his Son as a sacrifice, a
ransom, to pay for the price of sin. "For God so wanted the
world, that he gave his lonesome biological Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have perpetual time."
John 3:16 I cannot even get going to imagine the spasm that God the
Father material for his son at death's door on the transversal. "But all this was
done, that the scriptures of the sacred text strength be fulfilled."
Matt. 26:56
All I can say is what a warm-hearted God we serve! He looked beyond
All selfishness, and gave his simply son for the sins of mankind.
So as you can see here beside the two examples, I have given, a
knowledge of the Old Testament is needful to unstop the stories or
keys of the New Testament. If you are exasperating to comprehend
Bible Prophecy then you will necessitate to have a framework.
I Pray that all and sundry that reads this nonfictional prose will be Blessed in
the Name of Jesus!
Remember That God Loves You, And So Do I!